My Paid Deck's Images Won't Load

Paid decks have to be downloaded into the app to work. This is done automatically one time, when you first purchase the item. Because of how files are stored on your device, that comes with a few limitations.

  1. Data is wiped if you uninstall the app.
  2. If you have another device where you maintain your account, it is not automatically on that device.
  3. Data is sometimes wiped or moved if you download a new version of the app.

In all these cases, you'll need to restore purchases, and change decks after. I'm still experimenting how to make this more automatic.

Update: Versions 1.8+ should auto-fix this problem in the background. Please note however, that the app will flash once after relinking or redownloading to reload the app and the images.

Video of Restoring Purchases:

Here is a video of how to do it.

Step by Step

Open your menu screen by clicking the avatar on the top left hand corner.

Click Restore Purchases.

The download screen will pop up. Do NOT close this modal or the app while it is downloading. When the download is completed, this modal will close itself.

Once it's done, you'll be switched to the default deck (Seventh Sphere Tarot RWS). You'll need to change it back to the deck you choose.

This is needed to force a reload for the images (again, still trying to figure out how to do that automatically).

When you close it after switching decks and switching decks back, you'll see your cards everywhere again.

Still having issues? Send a video recording to, and I'll take a look!

How to record your screen:

  1. Apple:
  2. Android:

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