How do I make a custom spread?
We have 2 options for creating custom spreads. The default process sends you through a wizard, which hopefully gives you ideas, and makes the process a bit easier for you. The second option is to make a spread from scratch, which is great if you're inputting a spread that already exists.
To do either head to the custom section on the spread page.
Using the Spread Creator Wizard
Tap any of these boxes to open up the categories. Select any of the topics that you would like in your spread. Each of these bubbles represents a position in the spread. You can have a maximum of 10 positions in a spread, so you can choose up to 10 topics.
Once you're ready and you have all the positions you want, click "Select X Positions" at the bottom of the screen to head to the next step.
You will be asked to confirm whether this list is right.
Once confirmed, the app will generate a spread with the positions you've selected. Here, you can make some fine tuned edits to your spread. Tap and hold each card to drag it around. Place the cards whereever you'd like on the canvas.
You can change the order of the positions by clicking the list icon on the bottom right corner of the screen.
Drag the 3 dot icons up and down to edit the order of how cards are drawn. On this screen, you can also bulk edit your positions and associated questions. We provide default questions, but you don't need to use them.
Once you're done X out of the screen and you should see the positions on the table change. Tap the heart icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to save the spread. You'll be asked some basic details. Once you're done, press the save button on the bottom of the screen.
Starting From Scratch
You can skip the whole wizard process by tapping the fast forward icon on the top corner.
You'll be brought to a blank screen. It has all the instructions there, but for the sake of this help section, let's do it together.
You can tap the plus button on the bottom toolbar to add cards.
A new card will show up on the screen. It is red because you need to fill out the position name and question. You can tap on that card, and bring up that one card's information. When you're done editing that information, you can close the modal. Tap and hold the card to drag it around and place it in the position you want to leave it in.
OR, instead you can add a bunch of cards by tapping the plus button multiple times and dragging each card to the position you'd like. Then click the bulk edit icon.
Here you can edit all the information at once. You can also drag the three dots icon to reorder the cards. Once you're done, click the X icon on the top right hand screen.
Tap the heart to save the spread and enter all the spread info.
Press create new spread, and you're done.