How do I get an AI Catssandra Reading?

You can get Catssandra readings for readings you've saved in the past, or new readings. Catssandra readings are optional — you can always tap on the cards you've drawn to see their generic interpretation and draw your own conclusions.

Please remember that AI readings are for entertainment purposes only.

For new readings

When you complete drawing every card in the spread, you'll see a menu on the bottom of the screen pop up. In the center, click on the Catssandra icon.

You will be prompted to ask the question related to this reading. You'll also see how much an AI interpretation for this reading costs, as well as how many credits you have on the top left of your screen. AI readings cost 10 credits per card in the spread.

Sometimes, Catssandra will give some suggestions to rephrase your question. To understand our philosophy on questions to ask the tarot, read this article.

In worst case scenarios, Catssandra will not answer questions she feels may be especially harmful or dangerous.

Catssandra will take some time generating your answer. Sometimes depending on server load and rate limits, she may be busy, and you may have to try again later. (I'm working on this!) If other issues pop up, please take a screenshot and send it to me so I can review:

Once the report is generated, you can open it as a PDF if you desire. You may need to grant us some permissions to download the PDF on your device.

Or alternatively, you may just want to save the report in the app. Save the reading, and reports are automatically saved. Click the Catssandra icon to open it.

For saved readings

Open any logged reading and click the notes tab.

Click on Generate Catssandra Reading.

The question section will be pre-filled for you from the saved log. All you need to do is press ask.

As usual, Catssandra will either generate the reading for you, or ask whether you want to rephrase your question. Catssandra will not answer any questions she deems dangerous.

Once you are done reading your report or generating the PDF, you can close the report. You'll see that for saved readings, AI interpretations are auto-saved so you don't lose them. The next time you look at this log, you can reference the AI report.

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