My country wasn't listed in the available shipping destinations! Can you help?

United Kingdom

As of January 1st, the UK put new tax laws into effect, applying to everyone sending packages to the UK from their own store. For now we've paused shipping to the UK, as we are looking into making sure that we become compliant with the new regulations. It may take a while to get us set up, as it's just a one-lady shop here, but we're hoping that afterwards, the shipping process will be smoother for our UK customers than before. 😕 So sorry for this, and thank you for the patience.


Unfortunately, Brazil prohibits the importing of things like playing cards, which our products are often mistaken for. Our past shipments were consistently rejected because of customs restrictions:

Other Countries

If your country isn't listed, please enter a request! We can't guarantee whether we will be able to ship there or not, but we can certainly investigate.

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