I don't see a particular tarot card in the app.
This can be because of a bunch of different reasons. Let's go through all of them.
- Make sure you're using a tarot deck. Oracle decks and Lenormand decks are different systems, though beginners can sometimes mistake them for tarot cards. Oracle decks use the artist's personal choice when creating cards. Lenormand is a different cartomancy system - and it serves a different purpose.
- Check which tarot tradition you're using. If you're using a different tradition like Thoth, the names of the cards will be slightly different. For example, pages are equivalent to princesses. Knights are equivalent to princes. We included some translations here in this article. When you use our app, you'll have to input using the standard name.
- Artists may rename certain cards. If you're using a Rider Waite based deck, and the names are still not matching up, please note that deck creators sometimes change the names of the cards being used. It may be as obvious as changing pentacles to disks, pages to daughters - or something as complex as changing the name of the the Hermit to Wisdom. This will completely vary based on the artist, so you should consult your included booklet to find out. When you use our app, you'll have to input using the standard name.
- Artists may add cards. Sometimes we add one or two major arcana cards to our decks. They're never standard. We do not support these extra cards - not even in our own decks (for now)! If you're looking for the meaning of "Return" and "Tree of Life" on our decks, you can find it here.