I'm an international customer. Will I owe customs, duties and brokerage fees?

Your order may have import duties and taxes charged to it. This is decided by customs officials once a shipment reaches the destination country. They are not included in your order total at checkout.
Customs policies vary from country to country. They are based on the value of the order and the tax–free threshold, if it exists, for imported goods. You should contact your local customs office for specific amounts and percentages. In general, we find that Europe and Canada have a lower threshold - meaning your order is likely to be charged. Asia and Australia / New Zealand typically has a higher threshold, and they are not likely to be charged.

Unfortunately, we cannot control and are not responsible for any duties and taxes applied to your package. We do take all necessary steps to clearly, accurately, and comprehensively label the package to ensure a smooth international shipping process through customs. By purchasing a product from our store as an international customer, you agree to be responsible for duties and taxes. Should the package be refused upon delivery for refusing to pay customs, we do not give refunds as the package is then considered abandoned.

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